
Do you take payments for the I-131 treatment?
Nu-Cat does not extend credit to clients.  We do offer a 3 and 6 month no interest plan through Care Credit.  Visit the Cost of Treatment page for more information.

What does the treatment plan include?
Our treatment plan includes a review of records, x-ray interpretation, I-131 injection, daily monitoring, feeding and hospitalization.  Following discharge, we will stay involved in your cat's health via direct discussions with you and a review of your cat's post treatment test results with your referring veterinarian.

Will my cat need to be hospitalized?
Your cat must reach the safe and legal level of radiation release before coming home (which takes 4 to 7 days typically and is often harder for the owner than for the cat). While we are waiting for the radiation levels to decline, a specially trained Nu-Cat staff member will care for your cat with continual access to a veterinarian, should the need arise. We?ll make every effort to make our feline guests as happy as possible. We limit their number to 3 at a time to allow us to spend more time with each one. Our ward is quiet and comfortable with a homey feel. Toys and blankets are welcome (but not returnable). We'll work with you in determining a menu of your cat's favorite dishes and will take great pride in caring for and loving your pet in your absence. Daily progress reports on your cat are available.

What post-treatment care is needed?
After your cat is released, you will need to spend the following three weeks using basic, common sense safety precautions primarily regarding your cat's litter box output.  The Release Protocol form outlines these precautions. You would probably receive more radiation from an extended flight or a day at the beach than you'll get from your pet once it's released, so your cat does NOT need to be isolated from you, your family or other pets. However, your cat MUST remain indoors. Limiting snuggling with your cat and washing your hands after prolonged close contact is recommended per the release protocol. We'll help you figure out ways to accommodate these small changes in your daily routine. The potential risk to owners is extremely remote as regulations for using I-131 are much stricter for animals than for people, but we recommend pregnant women not participate in the cat's care during these three weeks. After three weeks, simply return to your normal pet-care and pet-loving routine.

Is this treatment proven?
Completely. Thousands of successful procedures have already been performed.

Are all cats affected by Hyperthyroidism?
Yes, all cats can be affected. Hyperthyroidism affects cats of any age and as young as 2.

What is the success rate after treatment with RadioIodine (I-131)?

95-98% of cats are successfully treated with only one injection under the skin and do not need any follow-up treatments. Once the patient has been released from the Nu-Cat facility, he (or she) is monitored by the referring veterinarian to assure that there is appropriate response to the therapy.

Are there any side effects from treatment?

There are almost no side effects from this treatment. There may; however, be a period of readjustment, due to the return of normal thyroid function, and your cat may be quieter and may eat less food. Rarely, a sore throat or change in voice may also occur. In rare situations, hypothyroidism may occur. This condition can easily be corrected with a thyroid supplement, if needed.

Can I visit my cat after the I-131 has been injected?

Unfortunately, clients are not allowed to have direct contact with their pets after the I-131 has been injected. This is due to radiation regulations as mandated by the State Department of Health and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Can I remove my cat from the therapy facility before the end of the treatment period?

No pet can be removed from the facility until the level of radioactivity has decreased to a level which has been deemed to be safe by our radiation safety officer, and as mandated by the State Department of Health and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Is my cat too old for I-131 treatment?

Cats of any age may be treated, as long as there are no other life-threatening medical conditions present. Thorough screening tests are performed to minimize any risks. Even cats 17 to 20 years old have been successfully treated.